Spy on your favorite Tiger, Hammerhead, and Bull sharks in our custom-designed Google Earth interactive map.

Tracking Finley

Species: Tiger Shark
Scientific NameGaleocerdo cuvier
Date Tagged: January 24, 2018
Location Tagged: Bahamas
Gender: Female
Total Length (TL): 324 cm

About Finley

The Story Behind the Name: The Lovett School 7th grade students explored sharks through multiple scopes during a cross-curricular “Sharkweek unit.” Designed to understand the importance of sharks to human survival, class activities and materials were dedicated to illustrate the importance of these species in our world’s ecosystems and how to minimize anthropogenic impacts to these fish. Over the course of a week, students developed empathy and took action by writing letters to stakeholders who could impact the conservation of these species both on the small and large scale fisheries. At the request of the students, the administration of Lovett approved a donation to the University of Miami RSMAS, therefore funding a satellite tag for Finley!

External Website: www.lovett.org

Adopt-a-Shark: For information on how you can contribute to our shark conservation research by adopting and tracking your own shark, please visit our Adopt a Shark page.

System Requirements

Google Maps renders in all modern browsers and mobile operating systems. For more details visit Google’s map support page to view detailed system requirements.

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