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Tracking Cleo
Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier
Date Tagged: January 8, 2019
Location Tagged: Tiger Beach, Bahamas
Gender: Female
Total Length (TL): 334 cm
The Story Behind the Name:
Gertrude “Cleo” Lythgoe (a.k.a. The Bahama Queen) was arguably the most successful and famous female rum runner during Prohibition, thanks in part to her tough wit, engaging personality and Cleopatra-like looks. Though she was a law breaker, she was respected, and it is said that the British flag dipped in salute when, for the last time, she sailed from the Bahamas. The Ladies and Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach have named our shark after Cleo to honor this fascinating standout in the colorful history of Miami.
Adopt-a-Shark: For information on how you can contribute to our shark conservation research by adopting and tracking your own shark, please visit our Adopt a Shark page.
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Google Maps renders in all modern browsers and mobile operating systems. For more details visit Google’s map support page to view detailed system requirements.
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