Spy on your favorite Tiger, Hammerhead, and Bull sharks in our custom-designed Google Earth interactive map.
Spy on your favorite Tiger, Hammerhead, and Bull sharks in our custom-designed Google Earth interactive map.

Tracking Ali’i Kai

Species: Great Hammerhead
Scientific Name: Sphyrna mokarran
Date Tagged: November 10, 2021
Location Tagged: South Beach, FL
Gender: Female
Total Length (TL): 276cm<

Ali’i Kai

The Story Behind the Name:

There are three elements directly associated with her name, Ali’i Kai.  First relates to the business of Shark Scrapper LLC as a scrap metal and electronics recycling company.  Aluminum is a common metal we deal with and is frequently referred to as “Ali” because the complete word has different pronunciations around the world.  She has the beauty, strength, and flexibility that make aluminum so important to our modern world.  The second element is our love of the oceans and our respect to the Hawaiian culture we came to love when we lived there.  “Kai” means ocean/sea in Hawaiian.  Finally, when we saw her swim away after being tagged, we were struck by her majesty.  Ali’i in Hawaiian refers to a chef or chiefess.

Ali’i Kai embodies the majesty, the beauty, and the strength of this wonderful creature of the sea.



Satellite Tagging:
Ali’i Kai was carefully tagged with the latest in satellite tag technology providing us with the first opportunity to follow the long-term movements of these threatened species. Please keep checking back frequently to follow her movements, which will be updated every few days as her satellite tag continues to send us real-time tracking data.

Adopt-a-Shark: For information on how you can contribute to our shark conservation research by adopting and tracking your own shark, please visit our Adopt a Shark page.

System Requirements

Google Maps renders in all modern browsers and mobile operating systems. For more details visit Google’s map support page to view detailed system requirements.