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Tracking Charlie
Scientific Name: Galeocerdo cuvier
Date Tagged: June 29, 2017
Location Tagged: Miami, FL
Gender: Female
Total Length (TL): 280 cm
About Charlie
The Story Behind the Name: Charlie the Tiger Shark was tagged by students from U of M Shark Research as part of a special expedition with Oceana and Future Games of London (FGOL). During the trip, FGOL staff participating in the shark tagging and learned and not only learned how scientific data collection happens, but also how that data can be used to influence good government policies for sharks.
The trip couldn’t have happened without the support of FGOL’s Hungry Shark fans, a global community of players who’ve donated to support Oceana’s work and have signed tens of thousands of petitions in support of shark conservation measures in the U.S. Future Games of London (FGOL) reached out to its Hungry Shark community (ie. fans of the mobile games Hungry Shark World and Hungry Shark Evolution) to ask for their help in naming the tagged shark. The community responded with tons of great names and – after thoughtful deliberation – the FGOL team selected Charlie for this special tiger shark. It wasn’t an easy choice!
External Websites: www.fgol.com & www.ubisoft.com
Adopt-a-Shark: For information on how you can contribute to our shark conservation research by adopting and tracking your own shark, please visit our Adopt a Shark page.
System Requirements
Google Maps renders in all modern browsers and mobile operating systems. For more details visit Google’s map support page to view detailed system requirements.
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